Monday, August 9, 2010

The second first day of school!

So, there I was again: getting up, eating honey toasted cheerios (the Kroger brand of honey nut cheerios) with soy milk and drinking orange juice at 6:50am as I got ready to drive to work. I made myself a sandwich, poured some salt and pepper kettle chips into a ziploc bag, washed an apple, grabbed a strawberry fruit bar, and put them all in a Kroger grocery bag, only to be opened again at noon. Water bottle in hand, I walked out the door dressed in a full suit (with no tie) ready to begin another school year.

The car ride was lonely since my car radio mysteriously stopped working a few weeks ago when I took my car to Pep Boys. But I still had a lot on my mind, so it was a good time to think and angrily stare at slow drivers as I sped to work (some things never change).

We started with homeroom, which was not too bad. I basically welcomed the students back and did other bureaucratic stuff (attendance, signatures, personal data sheets, etc). Since I have a homeroom full of juniors, I am going to do my best to get them college resources this year so that they do not wait until senior year to get on the ball. Tomorrow, they are supposed to bring me a list of three colleges they are interested in, and we will take it from there.

Since it was the first day of school, we went to all of our classes today; needless to say, the day went by rather quickly. That's a good thing.

After school, all the male faculty stood in the hot Georgia heat (many of us still wearing full suits) in order to make sure the students got on their buses properly. This was, to say the least, an interesting fiasco. On the brighter side, some of my students that I taught last year as well as mock trial students came up to me to say hey excitedly. It was great to see them, and I am really hoping that everybody has a great year.

Now, let's deal with the elephant in the room: the stye. Well, oddly enough, no students said anything about it all day. The only time a student mentioned it was when one of my mock trial students asked me if I was okay and if I had gotten stung by a bee in the eye (that's a clue to how unpleasant I look right now).

We had a faculty meeting after school, but I left early to go to the doctor again. He said that it looks like it will be ready to be lanced and drained in two days. Until then, he gave me more antibiotics: I'm now on eye drops AND pills.

All in all, it was a good day. I think it's a good sign when you spend extra time in the shower pacing back and forward as you excitedly plan a lesson in your head...

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