Monday, September 14, 2009

Nope--I'm still not a student

Today marked the beginning of the sixth week. It seems as if each Monday, I have to get reacquainted with waking up at 6am. Therefore, I was quite tired when I got to school. After a cup of coffee, however, I found my groove. I found myself thinking, “I love this job!” when I was working with students in my first block class. I also really enjoyed my physics class today. Everything was going pretty well.

I have stopped wearing my badge since I figured most people were recognizing me as a teacher. I also wore a full suit a couple of times, so I felt like I looked a little bit older. Yet, a few times today, I was walking through the hallway (with just a tie and my trusty clipboard), and students looked back at me and said, “I thought you were a student.” Maybe it’s time to bring the badge back? Maybe I’ll just throw on a blazer tomorrow…

I could not get through the day without at least a little drama, though. Of course, it came from my last period class, which happens to be an inclusion Math II class (for mainly sophomores). I had to go get one of the assistant principals to talk to a girl in my class who was being openly defiant (basically, I asked her to do something, and she refused). Besides that, the class was a little rowdy, but they still worked hard the entire period. I got some time to really work with students, and they seemed to be catching on and getting excited when they got the answers correct. Those are the moments that really make my day.

So, all in all, it’s a Monday; therefore, I’m really tired. I also have a ton of more work I need to do. I’m still trying to find my rhythm. But, it was a good day, and I hope the week continues well.

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